anyway, The WHO is suggesting a bird flu pandemic that could kill
hey world, what's going on?
Last weekend, in a fit of insomnia, I caught a series on Discovery Science called The Baby Human. I'm a big ol' nerd, so of course it was fascinating. But there was one experiment they performed on babies that was the most awesome thing in the entire universe. They'd have kids of a certain age, maybe 18-24 months, where they'd have them play with three toys for a while. I remember a little tikes car, Steve's Big Red Chair, and a slide. Then they'd go away for a while. When they returned to the room with the toys, they had been replaced with miniature scale models. And here's what makes the experiment so awesome, the kids wouldn't realize they were scale models. They were so emotionally attached to the toys, that they kept trying to squeeze into the Lilliputian models. They had no idea how retarded they looked. It cracked my shit up. Obviously, if given any opportunity, I will try to perform this experiment myself, just for shits and giggles. Think about that before you ask me to babysit.Does anyone know if this works? I mean, I've heard of all sorts of strange child-behaviour psych experiments, but this one sounds too insane to be true. Here's a paper (pdf link) that describes an experiment that "proves" that babies can count. I've done the "the object is here, now it's gone!" thing with my infant neices and nephews. (I'm sure my fomer-psych-major friends could tell me the name of that reaction.) It's highly amusing, but I need more.
Yeah, you can call me that
As I walk with the Luddites and me trusty axe
I'm a whole lot removed from the Domini Pax,
The pacts with the church, and the new poll tax.
I haven't got the pox, I've turned twenty-eight
My mate's thirty-one but he's dying from the plague
Life's a bitch right now and I can still hear the hills
Watch my carbon vibrate mate
And I'm way down the mine in another lifetime
But I don't how this canary keeps chirping
And my lungs are tight
When you've got to keep working, What's the point in life?
There's a hundred miners here in the union
March through the manor while the owner takes communion
I'm going in to get my wage for last year
Plus a big bag of food ,one of them big chandeliers
I affect the state and affect the earth
And pass my spirit on again
Until it's triggered by a birth
I resonate, you resonate, I say echo, you vibrate
I'm in this for a better life, staying clever
Got the soldiers on the hop, slept in the oak tree
Raided a crop
They probably think I'm Catholic because of my name
I caught the King's deer,
They were giving me fame
And they heard about my antics up at the castle
When I didn't pay my taxes
Down came the hassle
They burnt my village and my family at the stake
I felt the whole ground shake
'Cause spirits resonate
They want my pagan head
Turn the hunters in my band and that's as good as it gets
We affect, you affect,
Everybody move your molecules
From your nails to your follicules
It's 1856
I'm at the workhouse with my bundle of sticks
These people think I'm nuts but they won't complain
When their lives get better cause of my campaign
Sabotage man with the Guy Fawkes precedent
Burn the city hall - smoke out the residents
Make a mark in my town and adjust my standard of living
Till my pitchfork rusts
Change the chain, unchain all hands
Latter-day Scargill, I'll affect this land
I come in peace, from a small piece of dark
And I'm going back soon
So for now I'll make marks
Take the presidential election: people could bet on George Bush by buying a contract that paid a dollar if he won and nothing if he lost. Anyone certain of a Bush victory should have been willing to pay up to a dollar for the contract. Anyone confident that Mr Bush would lose could have sold such a contract, expecting to pay nothing when the result came. With many participants buying and selling in this way, the market discovered a price for the contract—in effect, its best guess of the probability of a Bush win.